Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Culture Shock

Disclaimer: I have not experienced the slightest bit of culture shock while here in S. Korea, but I just want to talk about some things that might shock other people, and some things that are just weird, different or funny.

1. I am a gatorade lover, so what if it's taking years off of my life due to the excess sodium and sugar in it. I remember when I used to drink at least 4 32 oz. bottles per day for weeks at a time. My favorite flavors? Anything other than LEMON-LIME. So I'm in Korea, and of course the ONLY FLAVOR they have is LEMON-LIME! Seriously? Did they not get the memo that there's about 20 other flavors??? I'm not happy.

2. Of course crime is anywhere you go, but there's a shortage of it here, well at least for theft. My second day here I was strolling around at night and saw a few kids no older than 10 at the park around 1am with no supervision nearby. Even in grocery stores and malls, parents just kind of let the kids straddle along freely without any worries. I've seen girls at restaurants go to the bathroom and leave their purses at the table with nobody watching them.

3. If you don't like tipping at restaurants, just come here. It's deemed RUDE to tip! And what's sad about it is that I've never had bad service anywhere in Korea. Meanwhile in the states there's your typical rotten waiters and waitresses who know that the amount of money they get is based on how good they serve you but still find a way to give horrible service.

4. Before I came here I heard that deodorant was non-existent. There's a slight truth to that because it's not the easiest or most common item to find. But if you look hard enough it's there.

5. Yeah in Ohio U-turns are illegal and a lot of people still do them anyway. But I was amazed to see it not only legal here, but how often it's done and how normal and safe it looks and it makes me wonder what's the big fuss about it to make it illegal?

6. I'm no longer sure which Asians are known as the "short" race. But it damn sure isn't Koreans. They are tall! Men and women both! I have at least five students that are taller than me. Of course I'm not the tallest guy in the world but still. I don't remember the last time I saw 5 12 yr old American kids in front of me.

7. I was shocked to see a girl at Home Plus(Target/Wal-Mart equivalent) staring at a product. Why? She wasn't really interested in the product. She was looking at her damn hair in the reflection of the plastic on the box making sure she looked okay! Double EUU TEE EFF! Some of these girls are the most superficial creatures I have ever seen! Okay, sorry not some, ALL! There hasn't been a day go by where I haven't seen a girl check herself out in a mirror, cell phone camera, or a reflective surface of some sort. Like seriously? I'm sure you spent 2 hours to try to make yourself feel better before you left the house so just relax and stop worrying for 2 seconds. You're soaked in 6 layers of make-up so the real you isn't even there anyway. Oh yeah let's not forget the guys. I'm not sure if it's just a current trend or if it's always been this way but there's a lot of feminine looking guys out here. So while the girl is checking herself out in the car door reflection, her boyfriend is right next to her doing the same thing. They probably share clothes too. I'm just saying.

8. Now it's mostly just younger guys that act feminine, but I've seen an eerie comfortableness among men in general. Guys holding hands, giving each other massages, feeding each other food, etc. Supposedly it's common among heterosexual men and these guys aren't the slightest bit gay? I wouldn't care if they were but to say it's not is, like I said before, eerie.

9. In the states we use 120v outlets, along with the flat prongs. Here it's 220v with round prongs. I bought a prong converter, my laptop works fine with it with no problems, my iron worked for a while, then literally blew up and caught on fire. Not quite sure why, although I think it was due to the iron having the ability to take the higher voltage for a certain amount of time and then, KABOOM. The same thing happened to my ANDIS trimmers, WHILE I WAS CUTTING MY HAIR! So my clippers blew up mid-cut, and I had a half bald head and half hairy head for a few days. I don't care though I was still sexy.

10. Good luck finding toilet paper in public bathrooms, or even soap. And most of the time when I do see soap it's just a plain old bar of soap witch is downright nasty. I would say about 90% of the public bathrooms I've been in were missing toilet paper. But the restaurants in the same buildings keeps rolls by the door when people need to go, I wish I understood this? Oh yeah, and not only is there no toilet paper or soap, you might find a sexy girlie business card tempting you to call in for some late night, or mid-day nookie nookie.

11. That last picture brings me to my next point. Good 'ol prostitution. By the books it's illegal, but to say the police care about cracking down on it is to say that Kanye West cares about Taylor Swift's feelings(I want to add that this is the best blog of all time)! And there's many different forms of it too. Mostly around here there's girls getting picked up and dropped off in these amazing turbo vans.

1 comment:

  1. I knew the whole deodorant thing couldn't be right. So, as someone who will be living in Korea doing what you're doing, in about two weeks, I found this blog very funny and informative. Keep it up. =)

